Implementation of Community First Services and Supports began October 1st, 2024

CFSS is a new self-directed flexible health care program that helps support people living in the community with day-to-day activities and is funded through Medical Assistance, waiver and Alternative Care programs. CFSS will replace two current services: traditional Personal Care Assistant (PCA) & PCA Choice and the Consumer Support Grant (CSG). CFSS will be implemented on a rolling basis, at your next regular yearly service renewal.

To be eligible for CFSS, a person must:

  • Have been given an assessment
  • Live in their own home
  • Be enrolled in one of Minnesota’s health care programs
  • Be able to direct their own care or have a representative who can act on their behalf

CFSS has two models you may choose from: the Agency Model and the Budget Model

If you are currently using Consumer Support Grant (CSG) services with Orion ISO FS, you will be able to continue using our services through the CFSS Budget model. Orion ISO FS will help individuals hire their own staff and purchase goods and services using the Budget Model. Orion ISO FS can also support Agency Model users if they would like to have a budget for goods and services.

Contact us to learn more about CFSS & Consultation

Minnesota Department of Human Services (MN DHS) will require Community First Services and Supports (CFSS) participants to work with a Consultation Service Provider to help support you in writing, reviewing, and approving your support plan. 

Participants who use Orion ISO FS for their budget management should reach out to their county worker to get connected with a Consultation Service Provider other than Orion ISO, as MN DHS does not allow Participants to use the same company for both services. If you are looking to get started with either CFSS Budget Model or Consultation Services with Orion ISO, please contact us to learn more!

Orion ISO FS strives to provide high quality services to our self-directing participants and our mission is to continue serving you proudly through the CFSS transition!

Frequently Asked Questions

What program does CFSS replace?

Consumer First Services and Supports (CFSS) will replace the current Personal Care Assistance (PCA) program and PCA Choice, and the state-funded Consumer Support Grant (CSG) benefit. You can learn more about it here, at the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) website. 

What will current clients need to do to transfer your services to CFSS?

Once it is time for your next reassessment, work with your county case worker to choose a Consultation Services Provider. This provider will help you identify which delivery model best meets your needs, as well as help you write your service delivery plan. Although Orion ISO will be a Consultation Services Provider, under CFSS, the agency you select as your Consultation Services Provider cannot be the agency that provides your homecare or FMS services. This means if you use Orion ISO Financial Services for your Financial Management Services (FMS), you will need to choose a Consultation Services Provider other than Orion ISO to help you write your service delivery plan. 

Why is this transition taking place?

People who use CFSS will have more options and supports: 

  • Unlike with Personal Care Assistance (PCA), in CFSS, a person’s spouse or the parent of a minor may serve as that person’s support worker. 
  • People may choose to purchase goods to aid in their independence. 
  • The state provides a budget that the provider agency or the person may use to train workers to support the person’s individual needs. 
  • The Consultation Services Provider will provide education and support in writing the person’s plan. 
What are Consultation Services?

Consultation Service Providers educate participants on CFSS service model options, support the development of the service delivery plan, and provide ongoing support and communication, if needed.

Does my budget pay for Consultation Services?

No, consultation services have a $100.00 per service session fee authorized and paid for by the county.  

Is use of a Consultation Services Provider required?

Yes, everyone must select a Consultation Services Provider.

Which service is right for me?

CFSS will have two service delivery models, the agency provider model and the budget model. Orion ISO Financial Services will provide budget model services only. 

In both models, the Participant or the Participant’s Representative: 

  • Directs all care; 
  • Has a say in selecting their worker, which may include hiring a spouse or a parent; 
  • Writes the plan with assistance from the Consultation Services Provider; and 
  • May purchase goods. 

In thebudgetmodel, you will employ your support workers and have a budget, rather than service units. You will be responsible for the recruitment, hiring, training, and supervision of your support workers. You will select a Financial Management Services (FMS) provider, from a list including Orion ISO Financial Services, to help you comply with applicable laws. 

In theagencyprovider model, which Orion ISO FS does not provide, you will select a provider that serves as the caregiver’s employer. This means the agency will recruit, hire, train, supervise and pay CFSS support workers. 

If I select the budget model, what if I need help figuring out and managing my budget?

People who use the budget model will select a Financial Management Services (FMS) provider, such as Orion ISO Financial Services, which will assist with budget management. 

Can the Participant's Representative (the person who manages services on behalf of the Participant) also be an employee for the Participant?

No, unlike with Consumer Support Grant (CSG), in CFSS, the Participant’s Representative and the employee cannot be the same person. 

Can a parent or spouse be an employee on CFSS?

Yes, a parent or spouse can be an employee on CFSS. However, if the parent or spouse is an employee, they cannot also be the Participant’s Representative.  

Will background checks be required of all employees under CFSS?

Yes, all employees under both the agency model and budget model will be required to clear a background study through the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) before they may be paid to work under the program. This includes parents, spouses, live-in caregivers, caregivers under 18, or any other caregivers who wish to be employed under the program. 

Will employees under CFSS be in the bargaining unit represented by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU)?
  • Employees who will support Participants who choose the budget model will be in the bargaining unit represented by SEIU.  
  • Employees who will support Participants who choose the agency model will not be in the bargaining unit represented by SEIU. 
Does CFSS require compliance with Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)?

Yes, EVV is a federally mandated requirement for personal care services (PCS) and home health services, both of which fall under CFSS. Live-in caregivers are exempt from live time entry but must still enter their shifts into the EVV system the day they are working. Currently, Orion ISO Financial Services uses the Cashé system to meet EVV requirements. 

When will the transition to CFSS start?

On Oct. 1, 2024, the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) began CFSS implementation. People who receive services through the Personal Care Assistance (PCA) program or Consumer Support Grant (CSG) program will transition to CFSS during their regularly scheduled annual reassessment. They will be given a three-month extension of their current service, to allow time to smoothly transition to CFSS. 

Orion ISO Financial Services will post updates on our website and send out communications to the people we serve. The transition for all persons currently utilizing PCA and CSG services to CFSS is estimated to take 15 months, so your transition to CFSS may not be for a year or more after the CFSS program start date of Oct. 1, 2024. 

What training is required of CFSS workers?

Support workers must complete the CFSS training and tests if they haven’t already. Once completed, the certificate must be sent to the FMS provider with the worker’s enrollment packet.  

Personal Care Assistance (PCA) and Community First Services and Supports (CFSS) Training and Tests  

Additional training may be assigned by the employer.  


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