Consumer Directed Community Supports (CDCS)

Consumer Directed Community Supports (CDCS) is an option available for individuals on a home and community-based waiver that allows people to live independently. CDCS requires individuals to use a Financial Management Service (FMS) like Orion ISO FS.

The FMS assists with employer-related responsibilities that include payment of hours worked with the consumer, reimbursement of approved goods and services, billing medical assistance, providing and expense verification and reporting to the Department of Human Services.

As a Financial Management Service provider in the state of Minnesota, Orion ISO FS has an excellent track record of providing high quality service. The consumer or consumer’s representative assumes the role of employer. Orion ISO FS assumes the role of fiscal agent.

Consumer Directed Community Supports (CDCS)


Payroll Schedule


PTO Request

Expense Form

Mileage Form

Direct Deposit Form

Federal W-4 Form

Minnesota W-4 Form

Federal W-9 Form

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