Position: Morning Sun Ohio Program Coordinator
How long have you worked for the company: I started towards the end of January 2019
Describe what summer is like in the state you live:
Summer in Ohio (to me) means cooking out with friends and family, going to watch the Columbus Clippers play (local minor league baseball team), picking fresh strawberries and raspberries on local farms, and going to the Columbus Zoo.
What is your favorite childhood memory of summer?
My favorite memories revolve around growing up on a farm in the middle of nowhere. My siblings and I would go swimming in the creek next to our house, and play hide and seek in the corn fields.
Do you have any summer traditions now?
My husband and I host a bonfire/game night at least twice a summer. We also try to go to local farmer’s markets that pop up.
Closing thoughts: Summer in Ohio can be unpredictable. It can be warm and sunny one day, or rainy and cold the next. There are so many small towns to explore and foods to try, Ohio in the summer, regardless of the weather, is a great place to be.