Mental HealthMay is Mental Health Awareness Month. We, at Orion ISO felt it important to share a list of mental health resources and help hotlines. All provide anonymous, confidential information to callers.


Please print this list, bookmark it, share it and keep it in an accessible place. You never know when you or someone you know may need one of these resources







      • Disaster Distress Helpline – Provides year-round, immediate crisis counseling for people who are experiencing emotional distress related to any natural or human-caused disaster.
        Phone: Call 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746


      • Hopeline – Crisis hotline and online chat to help prevent suicide and teach awareness.
        Phone: 800-442-HOPE (4673)


      • Mental Health America – For a referral to specific mental health service or support program in your community
        Phone: 800-969-NMHA (6642)








        Phone: 800-931-2237






      • PPD Moms – Support for Mom’s suffering from post-partum depression, includes peer support and depression screening.
        Phone: 800-PPD-MOMS (800-773-6667)


      • S.A.F.E. Alternatives – Support to those that are self-injuring themselves
        Phone: 800-DONTCUT (800-366-8288)


      • ULifelineOnline resource for college mental health
        Phone: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)




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